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Happy New Year


I've never really thought of myself as a sentimentalist. When my husband and I were newly engaged, and I travelled to the States with just one suitcase and a wedding dress in hand, I think I learnt to travel light. As I sit here and think back on 2022, I'm not too sure how I would sum it up. Do I need to sum it up, or am I happy to just ease in to 2023?

I wonder what 2023 will bring, for life sure has a way of throwing us curveballs whether we are ready or not. One thing is for sure we can choose to swing that bat and knock that ball out of the park, catch it in one, run like the dickens or duck! I know 2022 sent us some challenges, some we faced head on, others we tried to catch and throw out of the park, and others, if I'd had a choice, I would have chosen to run from. I'm sure as you sit and welcome in the New Year, you too can think of situations and circumstances some of which you'd like to forget, some of which you'd like to bottle up and carry with you forever.

I think if I were to set myself a desire, a goal for 2023, it would be to laugh more, make time for people and building friendships and relationships. As a parent, a homeschooling Mum, a hobby farmer, and a small business owner, the pressures of life can threaten to pull us under at times. You see all the things that keep me busy in life are good, but if they keep me from the real important things, like spending time with those I love, then what do they really accomplish? You see, I remember somebody once saying that it is not likely that you will meet an elderly person in a nursing home, who wishes; they had worked harder, earned more money, or climbed the corporate ladder. You are more likely to meet an elderly person who wishes they had; loved longer, harder, and spent more time with those they love. That is what I would like to embrace this year. You see deep down underneath my seemingly unsentimental ways, I'm a softy at heart. I love my family with a passion and even more so the One who gave me them as a most precious gift. To slow down, to take time, to love deeply (and in the process maybe even hurt a little too), that is what I'd like to do in 2023.

I may not lose those few extra pounds, walk those extra steps, drink those extra glasses of water, but I'd like to explore the great outdoors with those I love, sneak in a few extra cuddles with our kids (both the human and goat kind!), purposefully stop to take in what truly matters in our day to day lives, and have a little fun in the process.

Have you thought of any goals, new year's resolutions for 2023? Whatever they may be, we wish you a very blessed and Happy New Year from us all here at Farm On The Hill.

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