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My Better Half and I

Well now that I have introduced you to our farm I thought it was about time that I introduce you to my better half, Dan. We have been married for just over 20 years now and I really couldn’t live this life without him, nor would I choose too! He is the brawn of the farm from; building enclosures, fixing fences, digging trenches to moving feed bags, he is the muscle behind it all.

Usually in a relationship there is one that wants to rush forward and one that slows things down, thinks things through. Well, when it comes to the farm we both tend to jump in with both feet. Dan, having said he wasn’t interested in goats, while perusing the internet one night, found a herd of young goats for sale. A couple of weeks later, having tried once already but almost ending up off the road due to heavy snow, we found ourselves the proud owners of 5 five lovely Nigerian Dwarf goats. Two weeks later, realizing that they were in heat, we added our first buck to the farm..... As a side note, I do not recommend travelling with a buck in the back of a mini van for an hour. I really didn’t think he smelt at all bad, but an hour long drive in the back of a mini van with four children soon proved me wrong. Subsequently, our mini van has come in very handy here on the farm, we have moved bucks, calves, hay, does, ducks, chickens, etc. The buck being the smelliest!

Dan has been instrumental in our Rugged Range for men. You see there are some products that I am (thankfully) unable to test, the beard balm being one! He has been a huge encouragement in each stage of producing the goat milk lotions and soaps and has been immensely helpful with the Rugged Range. As you can see, by the beard he’s sporting in the photo, he has been a great guinea pig for our beard balm, men's soaps and lotion. Dan was also the driving force behind switching the men's range to the more masculine amber bottles. A shout out to my Dad in England, as well, for designing and producing the Rugged Range labels (which we also love).

We hope you enjoy perusing our men’s line and keep an eye out for our new Christmas fragrances and gift ideas coming soon.

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend!


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