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Off on an adventure, and...


This weekend has been full of farm busy. Sunday found us off on a farm adventure. Our two boys decided to stay home, and so Dan and I packed up the minivan (more economical on gas than our truck!), encouraged our two girls out of bed, and set off on our adventure. Empty crate in tow, coffee in our travel mugs, and bars for the journey we were all set.

It was a 2 1/2 hr journey but the girls did great and before you know it, we had arrived. I was smart this time, I brought just enough money, no more and no less. I wasn't going to be suckered into purchasing more than we felt we needed on the farm. One, just one, that is what we came for and that is what we are leaving with. I had warned the kids before we left!

As we entered into the yard we were met by several adult Kune Kune pigs, fluffly, short nosed, friendly pigs! Just as well I hadn't brought my friend Heidi and her daughters, we may well have never left. I'm not sure you can stuff your pockets with pigs and leave unnoticed. I could feel my resolve loosening as I changed from my shoes into my wellies, all while trying to keep my toes from looking like a delectable piggie treat. Wellies on, we were taken into the barn to meet the piglets. We first went into the one pen with three fat, little adorable pigs first. I immediately was drawn to a ginger gilt who was just downright cute, but was also attracted by her sister. Next we visited another pen with three other girls in, but this one I wasn't too fussed with. We went out and took a look around to see the sows and boars and then off to another pen housing some younger ones. We new we didn't want a real young one as our boys who came to join us a month ago are already going on 6 months old. So back we came to the first pen we visited.

We hunkered down to say hello and give pets and then the discussion began. 'Well I like the ginger one, but what about the black and white one". 'Can't we get two, Mum, please?'. Phew, this is the moment every good parent is prepared for, fingers around the money in my pocket I knew would only purchase us one, 'nope' I said, 'one it is'. Score. I made it one, just one, but which one? Ginger..... no white and black..... ginger.... no white and black. Before you know it the words had slipped out of my mouth, 'Do you take card?', I asked in a momentary show of weakness. 'No', came the reply..... 'safe' I thought. However, not too fast, 'Paypal, we take paypal', came the next reply.

So you see, that is how we have become the proud owners of two Kune Kune gilts, darn modern technology and all it's relative ease of making payments without cash! I must admit my husband had wanted two originally, to make sure that we came away from this adventure with at least one good breeding pair! So that being said we packed up our two Kune Kune gilts and headed for home.... and would like to introduce you to Genevieve and SallyMae our newest additions here on the farm.

They are settling in well and we hope to be able to introduce them to the world of belly rubs in the not too distant future as they warm up to us here at the farm.

Adventures on the farm often don't end the way we imagined but I'm pleased to say these two cuties are a welcome addition.

More additions will be coming as we have to change some things around over the next few months. We'll keep you posted, but for now have a great day from us all here at Farm On The Hill.

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