Put your own twist on this delicious family favorite. The only way to enjoy it is to gather family and friends around the campfire....

From the deliciousness of the fire roasted, crispy outside crust to the light, airy, and soft inside, this bread is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Our kids were very excited when my sister in Germany shared this with us, and just couldn't wait to give it a try.
Stick Bread / Campfire Bread
4 cups of all-purpose flour
8 oz lukewarm water
1 packet of yeast
2 Tbs of olive oil
2 tsp salt
a pinch of sugar
sticks or utensils for wrapping bread around
Optional addins; garlic for a garlic bread twist, cinnamon & brown sugar for a sweet treat. The options are endless!
Gather family & friends for a fun night around the campfire. While the campfire is doing its thing it's time to mix those bread ingredients.
Combine the lukewarm water, yeast and pinch of salt together in a small bowl and set off to the side.
In a medium size bowl combine the all-purpose flour and salt.
Slowly add the warm water yeast combination to the flour and salt and add the olive oil.
Knead together to form a ball of dough, cover and leave to rise for approximately 45 minutes.
Enjoy the regaling of stories around the campfire while your bread is rising
After 45 minutes knead the bread dough in the bowl a couple of times.
Portion out small palm sized amounts of dough to each person. (You don't want too much dough otherwise it will not cook in the middle). Roll the dough portions into long snake like sizes and twist them around your stick. (Revisit the photo above for how it should look).
Cook slowly over the campfire, rotating as it bakes so that the outside does not burn but the inside cooks fully. You want the outside to slowly reach a nice golden brown.
Once the bread is done be very careful when removing it from your stick as it is HOT.
Let the bread cool and ENJOY!
The options are endless with this bread. Maybe you would like to add garlic or Italian herbs to your bread dough. Maybe you would like a sweeter version by dipping your finished product in melted butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Or just the plain dough recipe can be made and later dipped in a cheese sauce!
This recipe is certainly versatile, and we would love to hear your creative twist should you gather family and friends and give this a try.
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Happy campfire tales!