I never feel quite prepared. I have lived in WNY twenty+ years now, and each winter I think I've got it and then we get a winter like the one we are experiencing now. By Wednesday our real feel temperatures will be around -10F (-23C), and I think we have had more snow so far this winter than the last three put together. As we stock the fire with more wood my thoughts drift across to the barn. As we headed over this evening, the crisp white snow crunching and crackling beneath our boots, I was reminded once again of the responsibility we have to maintain good health within our herd. As we replaced the frozen water buckets with fresh warm water, and replenished the bedding, I was keenly aware of what the next couple of days will hold not only for us, but for many other farms across the WNY area, and I'm sure other parts of the country too. Checking the markers becomes even more important as we head into this next cold snap. I find myself checking the herd for overall health. Making sure their coats are in good condition, their weight is being maintained, eyes are a good color, and that they are not lethargic or not themselves. I feel the weight of making sure that they have everything they need, not only to make it through this cold snap but also as they begin their journey into breeding season.

As we drove along the snow covered, frozen roads early this morning on our way to church, I reminded our children that we really can't complaint..... we live in Western New York and this is winter! Then I realized, actually, yes, we can complain, it is quite easy to get on a downward spiral of focusing on the snow and the cold. When it is too cold to be able to go out and enjoy sledding or building a snowman. When I find winter closing in and the cold seeping into more than just my bones, I ask myself to find something I love about this beautiful state I get to call 'home'. For there are aspects of WNY that are absolutely breathtaking and that if not careful we could miss. Like the beauty of the seasons, the amazing fall colors that adorn our trees each September/October. Or the beautiful summer days we get to spend swimming in the local lakes and creeks. The rolling hills of Allegany County that we are blessed to live amongst, Letchworth State Park a short drive from home, with breathtaking waterfalls and trails to explore.
So, this winter, as I layer clothes upon clothes to make the trek from home to the barn. As I call from the hay loft 'hay coming down' as we drop more hay to feed the ever-hungry goats. Or head to bed with the fire stocked and the faucet dripping to avoid the ever-present risk of frozen pipes in the house, I'll remember the many things that make this house our home. I'll count my blessings and focus on the things that really count. That way the walk to the barn won't feel quite so cold. The weight of responsibility for our little herd of rather spoilt Nigerian Dwarf Goats won't weigh me down, and I'll think of the coming spring and the baby goats that will be bouncing from one spot to the next with their little sidekicks that always make me smile.
What is it that you love about where you call 'home'? That one thing that brings a smile to your face when so much around you might try to bring you down.
Here's to embracing the season we are in and yet somewhat eagerly anticipating the next!
Keep an eye out for spring fragrances in our moisturizing goat milk soaps and lotions coming soon! For now, visit our shop for the last of our winter fragrances and our year-round fragrances.
